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How to start your online pain consultation in 3 steps

Step 1: Make contact
Email Travelhealer or by phone. Give a brief description of your pain issues (etc muscular, nerve problems).

Step 2: Agreement
Travelhealer will get back to you and set up date and time for pain consultation to take place.

Step 3: Payment
Complete payment transaction

Travelhealer online pain consultation is your Solution
During our first session I will do a history taking about your problems, from there I will help you find a quick solution to your problem. Pain consultation’s purpose is to empower you to be on your way to fast healing. I will be sharing with you some of the most effective self-massages techniques, easy stretches and exercise routines that have been effective in my practice, over the last 26yrs of successfully easing my clients’ pain and speeding up their healing outcomes.
If your condition is complex and chronic and you have sought all kinds of help and you still have not got results, then Travelhealer’s online pain consultation is your solution. So why not start your session now and be empowered to self-healing.

Travelhealer spreading self-empowering healing to the world

Thanking you for accessing online pain consultation. Your kind contribution will make it possible for Travelhealer to spread online pain consultation to the world.

One Hour Consultation $110

Half Hour Consultation $80