Welcome to my Online Pain Consultations! I have over 26 years’ experience of assessing, and successfully advising and treating clients in Australia and abroad.

This consultation is a virtual appointment, which focuses on helping and healing people who suffer from various types of nerves and musculoskeletal conditions worldwide.

During these consultations, individuals with pain symptoms will receive assessments, and receive guidance on how to effectively perform self-massage treatment, stretches, exercises, or lifestyle changes to alleviate their discomfort.

These consultations are conducted via video calls or other online communication platforms, providing convenient access to and support for managing pain from the comfort of one’s own home.

Who is online pain consultation ideal for?

Online body pain consultations can be ideal for a wide range of individuals, including:

1. Individuals with Musculoskeletal & Nerve Pain: Those experiencing pain in their muscles, joints, or nerves conditions that no health practitioners able to help. My online pain consultation will give you the solution.

2. Busy Professionals: People with hectic schedules who find it difficult to make in-person appointments and would like a quick fix to their pain, can access my online pain consultation advice conveniently.

3. Prevention and Wellness: People interested in preventing pain or maintaining good musculoskeletal health can seek guidance online.

4. Post-Injury or Surgery Recovery: Online pain consultations can aid in the recovery process, learn effective self-massage techniques and exercise guidance to speed up recovery

5. Geographic Accessibility: Those who live in remote areas or lack access to specialized healthcare facilities can benefit from online pain consultations.

Medical Disclaimer: The information in this Online Pain Consultation is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All contents, including texts, graphics, images, videos, courses, and information, contained in or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.

What injury is suitable for online pain consultation?

Online pain consultations can be appropriate for a range of injuries and musculoskeletal issues, especially those that do not require immediate hands-on intervention or emergency care. Some injuries and conditions that may be suitable for online pain consultations include:

1. **Muscle Strains:** Minor muscle strains can often be assessed and managed through my online pain consultation with guidance, that will speed up your healing and recovery

2. **Joint Pain:** Conditions like mild osteoarthritis or joint discomfort can be discussed and an alternative effective self-massage guidance will be given to relieve your pain and increase your mobility.

3. **Back Pain:** Back pain, including lower back pain, can be evaluated online, and an effective self-treatment massage will be given to instantly relieve pain and suggest exercises to maintain and improve pain condition.

4. **Neck Pain:** Online pain consultation can help give guidance to self-treatment massage to successfully address issues like neck stiffness, minor whiplash, or tension-related neck pain.

5. **Tendonitis:** Mild cases of tendonitis (e.g., tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, Achilles tendonitis) will also benefit from online pain consultation for advice on self-treatment massage, stretching, and strengthening exercises.

6. **Postural Issues:** Poor posture-related discomfort or pain can be discussed, so a solution can be provide for guidance on posture correction and correct exercises technique.

7. **Repetitive Strain Injuries:** Injuries resulting from repetitive motions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or plantar fasciitis, can be managed through online pain consultation with Self-treatment massage technique, ergonomic advice and exercises.

8. **Sports Injuries:** Minor sports-related injuries or strains can be evaluated and treated online, with guidance on self-massage treatment technique and rehabilitation exercises.

9. **Chronic Pain Management:** Patients with chronic pain conditions can receive ongoing support, self-treatment massage technique, pain management strategies, and lifestyle advice through online pain consultations.

Medical Disclaimer: The information in this Online Pain Consultation is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All contents, including texts, graphics, images, videos, courses, and information, contained in or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.

Online body pain consultations involve patients and healthcare providers meeting remotely to discuss and address various types of bodily discomfort or pain. During these virtual sessions:

1. **Appointment Setup**: Patients schedule an appointment by email or phone, see website for detail.

2. **Virtual Meeting**: At the appointed time, both parties join a secure online video call, allowing for face-to-face communication.

3. **Symptom Description**: Patients describe their specific pain, including its location, duration, and intensity, along with any accompanying symptoms.

4. **Medical History**: Patients provide relevant medical history and answer questions from the provider regarding past injuries, illnesses, or medications.

5. **Visual Examination**: The therapist may visually assess the patient’s posture, movement, and affected area via the video call.

6. **Recommendations**: Based on the discussion and examination, the therapist offers advice, prescribes treatment (such as self-massage treatment & exercises).

7. **Education**: Patients receive information about their condition, treatment options, and self-care techniques.

8. **Follow-Up**: The therapist may schedule follow-up appointments to track progress or adjust the treatment plan.

9. **Privacy**: Strict privacy measures ensure that personal health information remains confidential.

Online pain consultations offer a convenient and accessible way to seek therapist guidance for various pain issues without the need for an in-person visit.

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